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Borderers: Playing the Rise and Fall of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers

This project is an extension of a Dissertation completed for a BA in History at Manchester Metropolitan University. It is a board game designed as a public history tool for the examination of the historical social and economic trends that were present in the 13th to 17th century Anglo-Scottish borders. It examines the importance of game creation's role within the realm of historical research.



The first step on this project was the creation of a dissertation which is available to read below. It received the Sam Johnson Prize for Best Dissertation in 2024. It was produced as a part of the requirements for Samuel's BA in History. All rights are reserved by the author. 


Play-testing & Peer-Review

The next step in the creation of this Borderer board game is for it to be play-tested and for its research to be peer-reviewed. This part of the process is still underconstruction.



Once the game has received enough feedback and critical reception a Kickstarter will then be started to fund its official publication. 

The monogram for Samuel Ethan Jolly's name.

'This Machine Kills Fascists' - Woody Guthrie

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